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When is a hair transplant the right solution for you?


Above all, it is important to seek the advice of your GP before taking any action. It is also important to find a reputable and qualified hair loss specialist who can provide a careful evaluation and facilitate your transplant with an experienced surgeon.

You must have a significant amount of good quality pre-existing or ‘donor’ hair to be considered for transplant surgery. For example, hair-thinning crowns that occur in one area are likely to be suitable for hair transplant. Unfortunately, large areas of total baldness are considered unsuitable for transplantation because the regrowth success rate is negligible.

You should also be generally healthy. A hair transplant is a major surgery performed under local anesthesia with a recovery period. For a successful surgery, you should be fit and healthy and ideally, you should not suffer from any other major medical conditions.

There are also age restrictions associated with hair transplant surgery. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, but many experienced surgeons do not perform hair transplants on young adults. This is because genetic or natural hair loss has not yet occurred and affects the transplanted hair. Even if you are in your late 20s or early 30s, hair loss can still occur. This means that surgery can cause new hair to fall out and is a waste of your investment!

It is worth noting that there is a new surgical technique associated with hair transplantation. One option is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). That is, hair is individually extracted from the back of the head and replanted over the entire area. This is a long and painful process, but the result is minimal scarring and a very natural hairline. Another major technique used in hair transplantation is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). This technique involves taking a larger area of hair, or ‘strip’, from the back of the head, dividing it into smaller units, and then planting those units back into the desired area of hair loss. The scar on the back of the head may be a little more noticeable by removing a larger area, but the specialist minimizes the incision to allow for faster healing.

A hair transplant uses your natural hair, and it can grow back within 4 weeks after surgery. Extra care is needed during the recovery period to protect the newly transplanted hair. But when it’s deemed safe to resume normal activities, the results can be life-changing. A successful hair transplant is permanent and can restore confidence and self-esteem.

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