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How to Ask the Tarot Cards a Yes or No Question – Your Guide to a Quick and Easy Tarot Card Reading

There are a number of ways a tarot reader can ask a question of the tarot cards. The simplest situation arises if the question is a yes/no question. Then, the tarot reader can do a simple one or three-card throw. The simplest way to ask the tarot cards a yes/no question would be to throw one tarot card, and if it lands upright, the answer is yes, if it lands reversed, the answer is no. However, a little more effort should be expended to ensure a more accurate and helpful answer. There is a bit more to doing even a simple tarot card reading, as we will see below.

First of all, the one-card method works differently if you use rectangular cards that can only land upright or reversed. On the plus side, this tarot reading will provide you with a simple yes or no answer. However, as most situations are not 100% likely to occur, this style restrains how accurate the tarot cards can be and also how much information the tarot cards can provide for the reader. Because I use circular cards, a one-card toss gives me 360 degrees of freedom from yes to uncertain to no.

The second issue that arises when one does a tarot reading with one card, is that usually you need to see more than one card to understand anything about what is going on. Remember, a tarot reading is always about energy, and energy is always in motion: there is more movement in two cards, which can interact, than one card. That is why usually I place at least three tarot cards if I wish to ask the tarot cards a yes/no question. If all three cards are upright, or mostly upright, and all cards are positive, the answer is yes. If two cards land upright, your answer is that it is probable, and the tarot reader should also look at which tarot cards landed in which direction (and the querrent should be wary to stay in the positive to ensure the desired result). If no tarot cards land upright, the answer is not likely, or no. The answer also is no or not likely if all cards land reversed, or all cards are negative-energy cards.

Generally, a tarot card reader will find that she rarely places three upright, positive-energy cards. This makes sense because few situations are absolutely certain to occur. Usually when one seeks guidance from the tarot cards, the situation is either uncertain or complex; and, will require an inquiry into which cards land in response to the question, as well as whether or not the cards land upright or reversed. Remember, a tarot card reader will receive the most accurate and helpful information from the tarot when the question asked of the tarot is very clear and focused.

Now you have a simple, one or three-card layout you can use to receive guidance from the tarot cards with a yes/no question. If the question cannot be answered by a yes or a no, the most popular tarot card layout probably would be the cross, also known as the Celtic Cross. The cross layout will be discussed in my next article. Check back soon for another lesson into reading tarot cards.

Alexandra lives a happy, joyful, nature-based life after her experience in the work of law and government. She writes articles on many topics, including learning how to read tarot cards. She loves to write, and enjoys sharing information that others may enjoy.


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