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Things to Know Before Starting a Frozen Yogurt Business

Opening your own small business, is an exciting, rewarding and challenging decision. A frozen yogurt shop is an excellent choice for today’s entrepreneur. American’s love frozen yogurt and frozen desserts and a frozen yogurt business has the potential to be a very lucrative venture.

So, why should you open a frozen treat business? Here are the top three reasons:

1. The potential to earn money!

If you want to start a business that will actually make you money, the frozen dessert industry is a great choice. In the US, frozen desserts generate over $20 billion dollars a year (yes, ­billion!) How can you argue with those numbers? Even in an uncertain economy, folks want to treat themselves to a little refreshing sweet dessert and frozen yogurt mix is the perfect choice for today’s health-conscious consumers.

If you purchase a frozen dessert business plan template, it’ll help you crunch the numbers and have really get a clear picture as to how successful your yogurt shop can be. With the data you will have access to from your business plan, you can compare the relatively low investment and operating costs with the frozen yogurt market potential.

2. Frozen yogurt shops are easy to operate!

High school students can virtually run your yogurt shop. With this small staff of inexpensive labor, you can have a successfully operating yogurt shop. Not many entrepreneurial ventures can be operated using high school students at minimum wage and still be successful. With a yogurt business, having students and other young adults as your employees actually has the added benefit of drawing in customers. Every one of your employees’ friends will become regular customers wanting your product!

Unlike many small businesses, a yogurt business is a cash transaction operation. This means you don’t have to worry about things like accounts receivable, payment terms, or collections. This makes running your own business much less of a headache and more likely to succeed.

3. Most important – A yogurt business is fun!

Wouldn’t it be nice to go to work every day knowing that the service and product you are providing your hometown puts a smile on the faces of your neighbors? Frozen yogurt shop customers rarely complain and the product practically sells itself. People love going to their local yogurt shop, serving themselves their favorite flavor and piling on their favorite toppings! You get to sit back, bask in their enjoyment and rake in the profit. Not a bad way to spend the day.

Opening your own yogurt business is a great way to create an income that many are saying is “recession proof”. The best, most successful businesses start with a great business plan, but that can take hours of research and writing. An easy way to get your frozen yogurt business plan is to purchase a premade, affordable and professional business plan which you can easily customize to your business. It’s the perfect solution to writing your business plan.


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